Why I Decided to Finally Start a Blog
This picture was from the day we found out Alyssa was out of rejection, just under 4 months after receiving her second double lung transplant. We were also celebrating Alyssa's 28th birthday. September 2016.
As mentioned on my "about" page that also acts as my home page after entering the site, I wanted the primary objective of this blog to be about me. But I also mentioned that I hoped that I would be able to leave a mark on the world of people that come in contact with me.
I've been thinking about really starting a blog for quite some time. My first brush with blogging came my freshman year of college when I spontaneously started writing on Google's site blogger. Those sites are pretty basic and don't allow very much control. Also, I didn't know what I wanted to do. That was where I stored my extemporaneous pieces.
About a year ago, I started publishing pieces on Medium. Medium is a beautiful platform and I enjoy writing on it, but my goal is to have an encompassing site where I publish all my writings, videos, photos, and collect memories of all my experiences. That's where we are today, where I'm introducing the humbly named trelarosa.com.
The Name
I'd like to believe I'm humble. From the looks of it though – trelarosa.com – doesn't appear to be very humble. But it is the best possible name for my goal here: this is where I am what I am. I want my site to be where I acknowledge my biases are obvious, but I welcome any opposing opinion. I hope this allows me to spark conversation, offer advice, provide insights, and ultimately, document my life in the best way I know how: writing.
That's why the name is what it is. It's the only possible domain that covers all those bases. And it's simple.
The Goal
To write freely without feeling as though I'm imposing. Every time I write on Medium, I know there will be people reading. I don't mean that arrogantly. There aren't thousands of readers, and some posts barely reach 100 views, so that's why I'm going here. Those are interested can be emailed every time I post. I'll collect all my writings here. You won't have to sign into Medium to recommend or save stories or any of that. This is where I'll write everything that crosses my mind. I feel like this removes the barriers of writing on a blogging site like Medium. Those that venture onto my site will know exactly what to expect.
On occasion, I may bring my writings back to Medium, simply because I know that I can spread my audience on there, but for the time being, trelarosa.com is my primary and sole focus.
So welcome! Thanks for taking the time to check out my site. I hope it's interesting to people and I hope people feel compelled to share, comment, and chat with me.